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San Isidro in Madrid

On May 15 we celebrate San Isidro in Madrid. Do you want to know more about this holiday?

San Isidro was a saint who was born in this city around the year 1082. He was of humble origin and there are many legends and stories that are told about this character.

He is considered the patron of Madrid and the saint of farmers, because that was his profession. Some of the stories that revolve around him say that he frequently visited the churches in the city, but that he did this because he was lazy and did not want to work. His employer, Juan de Vargas, went out once to check if this was true and found angels helping San Isidro with field chores, making the job get done faster.

Another legend or miracle, depending on how you want to see it, tells that he once offered to eat a poor man from an empty pot, and that the pot was immediately filled with food. It is also said that he saved his son, who had fallen into a well, through prayer, causing the well to fill with water and thus rescuing him.

He was named blessed by Pablo V in 1619, with great celebrations, among which is the inauguration of the Plaza Mayor. His day is celebrated with processions in which the fields are blessed. At present, his body is preserved in the Royal Collegiate Church of San Isidro. He was canonized by Pope Gregory XV in 1622.

The people of Madrid celebrate San Isidro’s day by going to the Ermita del Santo in the Pradera de San Isidro and enjoying the pilgrimage that is organized in the place. One of the most important bullfighting fairs is also held in the Plaza de Toros de las Ventas.

The San Isidro meadow is very extensive and beautiful, it also has numerous parking spaces. This is not usual in Madrid, but there is parking for your car in this park.

In addition, this 2021 there were a multitude of events adapted to the covid19 and free, you simply had to reserve a place but you could attend free concerts by Don Patricio, Mala Rodríguez, the Madrid symphonic band, Mexican Axolotes and many more artists. There are also a multitude of religious acts in the hermitage of Santo located next to the San Isidro park.

San Isidro had married María (later Santa María de la Cabeza), also pious and devout like him. This eventually made both spouses decide to separate in order to live more holistically.

San Isidro died around 1130, but his figure is still valid every May 15, when the people of Madrid visit the hermitage built in his honor and the water fountain that, it is said, miraculously made the saint sprout.

If you have never experienced this festival in Madrid, we advise you to come to Madrid to enjoy its local festivals. It is a weekend that has a lot of mobility of people and a good atmosphere, both for young people and for families. The good thing about Madrid is that it has events and areas for all kinds of tastes, which is why it is unique.

If you want us to talk about another festival in Madrid, leave us a comment.