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Curiosidades de Madrid


Hello, I am one of the guides that you see passing every day on the from here to there with a line of tourists behind. Today I wanted to tell you a little about how the rental of segways can reveal things about Madrid that you did not know or imagine. Madrid is a very…

Sustainable tourism

Tourism is changing. And this is obviously because society changes. Today the tourist is more aware than before of the care they must have with the environment when visiting a vacation spot. As the editor of Blue & Green Tomorrow Magazine says, the policy of “leave only your footprints, take only photographs” is increasingly necessary….

San Isidro in Madrid

On May 15 we celebrate San Isidro in Madrid. Do you want to know more about this holiday? San Isidro was a saint who was born in this city around the year 1082. He was of humble origin and there are many legends and stories that are told about this character. He is considered the…

Why the locals are called "gato"?

If you are in Madrid, and you listen people talking about gatos (cats), do not believe that they are referring to the domestic animal. They are surely talking about the locals themselves. When you do a touristic tour you are not always explained about the curiosities of the place. But in Segway Trip we believe that you…