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Some tips for visiting Madrid

circulo de bellas artes madrid

They say this is one of the safest cities in the world. But just in case, it is better to be forewarned and take into account some tips to visit Madrid. The more organized we are, the more time we will have to enjoy the city and its charms!

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  • Do not carry large amounts of money with you
  • In crowded places, don’t lose sight of your belongings. Store valuables or money in places that are not accessible.
  • She wears the wallet with the straps crossed over the body.
  • Keep your passport at the hotel, in the safe.
  • Take photocopies of the most important documents with you.
  • Don’t dress like a tourist. Adopt local dress.
  • Be wary of people who approach for help and beware of fake street vendors.
  • Beware of pickpockets operating on the Metro network. Do not carry money or valuables in easily accessible places. Sometimes these pickpockets act in pairs. While one distracts you, the other steals your wallet.
  • Always carry the phone numbers with you to cancel the cards if necessary. If you don’t have them, the police will give them to you.
  • The places where more care must be taken are: Puerta del Sol, Plaza de Santa Ana, Gran Vía, Plaza Mayor and El Rastro.
  • Emergency calls: Police Tel. 091
  • Report a crime: Police 902 102 112
  • Police station specializing in attention to tourists: Leganitos 19. They have printed forms to fill out in several languages. They also have interpreter services in several languages.
  • Loss of passport: Report at the police station and the corresponding embassy. The lost documents are forwarded to the special unit of the municipal police and then to the corresponding consulate.
  • Loss of objects in means of transport: Offices of lost property. The deposit period is 2 years. They are published monthly on the bulletin board of the city council.


  • Sanitary civil protection service: Tel. 112 (Samur).


  • Remember to always keep an invoice in the shops you visit.
  • Complaints: In case of any eventuality, ask for complaint forms (they are mandatory).

GETTING AROUND MADRID-Madrid’s Underground:

  • It is the fastest transport and one of the best in the world.
  • Hours: from 6 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. 13 lines differentiated by color. Request a map at the metro ticket offices.


  • The advantage of using a bus in Madrid is that you can see the urban landscape as you travel.
  • From 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. with an interval of 10 to 15 minutes. Check the itineraries on the bus stop maps.
  • Night buses or “owls”: They run all night. They start from the Plaza de Cibeles. Less frequent than daytime ones.


  • Taxis in Madrid are white with a red band on the front door. They are free if they have the green light on at the top.
  • There are taxi ranks marked with a blue sign in the busiest places in the city. The flag drop is approx. of 2 euros. In some cases you can pay by card.


  • The main stations are in Atocha (South) and Chamartín (North).
  • Rates: depending on the area you are traveling through.


  • Shelf life: from 1 to 7 days.
  • It has different prices depending on the area. For the city of Madrid corresponds that of zone A.
  • They can be purchased at Metro stations, at the Tourist offices, or travel agencies.

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