Steps for riding a Segway (safely) In Madrid
Are you getting ready for your Segway experience and wish to have a checklist of the things to be aware of? You are in the right page!
Although many of us believe that to a certain extent, Segways are safe to move around the city you want to visit, one should be aware of the circumstances of driving a such vehicle and drive it respoinsibly. The segway company warns new users that ‘whenever you ride the Segway HT, you risk injury from loss of control, collisions and falls’ and that it’s your responsibility to reduce these risks.
On the other hand, these wonderful battery-powered vehicles are designed to facilitate riding even for those who never tried them. Once you take control of a Segway, you will enjoy its smooth and environmentally friendly operation. They will get the scene ready for a memorable life experience.
You probably rode a Segway before or at least know how it rolls. However, in the following article we’ll pretend that you’re hearing about it the first time. The tips we are about to share can useful for beginners as well as pro Segwayers.
1. Practice, practice and practice
Before you take your first ride to El Retiro Park or to Palacio Real, we recommend you spend a while practicing your skills of balance and control. It is strongly advised that you seek instruction from someone qualified and experienced in the use of Segways.
Prior to our Segway tours in Madrid, our qualified guides give clients a fun 10-minute practice lesson, in order to ensure the smoothness of the experience.
2. Always keep a firm hold on the Segway handlebars
While riding your Segway, things like checking your phone or waving to cute dogs must be out of your list. Make sure both hands are firmly holding the handlebar. Also, firmly stand on the Segway with both legs, this will keep your balance and allow you to have more control on the Segway.
3. Avoid sudden maneuvers when riding a segway
In spite of the fact that Segways are able to sense your movements, And rectify the wrong ones to gain you balance again, this mechanism may not be able to re-balance you if you perform abrupt maneuvers. Thus,we recommend not to turn your Segway too fast, nor quickly stop or start it.
4. Build confidence, Avoid overconfidence
As you gain more confidence riding your Segway, you may start to adopt some hazardous intentions to show off your skills. Nonetheless, this might be a sign of overconfidence that we recommend you avoid at all times. It is also advised to avoid speeding even in most convenient opportunities,
5. Stick to solid grounds
Segways are not designed to roll in all types of terrains. Stick with the paved surfaces they are meant for. Any sudden terrain change like ridin from Grass to pavement can be a threat to your safety, do this carefully and unhurriedly!
6. Stop your segway before getting off it
Don’t let go of a Segway that is still in balance mode. or it will continue to travel away from you and could potentially collide with someone or something.